Table of Contents:
  • The Web Performance Collection; Notice of Rights; Notice of Liability; Trademark Notice; About SitePoint; Preface; Who Should Read This Book?; Conventions Used; Book 1: Front-end Performance; Chapter 1: Which Browsers Should Your Website Support?; What are the Most-used Browsers?; Are Browsers So Different?; Can My Site Work in Every Browser?; Site Owner Recommendations; Web Developer Recommendations; You Haven't Answered the Question!; Chapter 2: Are Your WordPress Themes Flexible or Fast?; Are Flexibility and Performance at Odds When Coding WordPress Themes?
  • Sometimes Flexibility Wins over PerformanceConclusion; Chapter 3: Five Techniques to Lazy Load Images for Website Performance; What Is Lazy Loading?; Why Should You Care About Lazy Loading Images?; #1 David Walsh's Simple Image Lazy Load and Fade; #2 Robin Osborne's Progressively Enhanced Lazy Loading; #3 Lazy Load XT jQuery Plugin; #4 bLazy.js
  • Vanilla JavaScript Plugin; #5 Lazy Loading with Blurred Image Effect; Conclusion; Chapter 4: Optimizing CSS: ID Selectors and Other Myths; The Basics of CSS Parsing; Measuring the Performance; Quality over Quantity.
  • The Elephant in the Room: Style InvalidationConclusion; Chapter 5: Optimizing CSS: Tweaking Animation Performance with DevTools; Developer Tools for CSS Performance; Exploring the Performance Tool in Firefox; Only Animate CSS Opacity, Transforms and Filters; Resources; Chapter 6: Lightning Fast Websites with Prefetching; What Is Prefetching?; DNS-Prefetching; Link Prefetching; Page Prefetching/Prerendering; Use Cases for Link Prefetching and Prerendering; Resources; Conclusion; Chapter 7: Optimizing Web Fonts for Performance: the State of the Art; Why Custom Web Fonts?
  • What Is the Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT) All About?Tips on Optimizing Custom Font Files; Tackling FOIT; The Future: The CSS font-display Property; What About FOUT?; Conclusion; Chapter 9: JavaScript Performance Optimization Tips: An Overview; Setting the Stage; What Exactly Is Performant JS Code?; Context is Everything; Parsing, Compiling and Executing; Bundle Sizes are Everything; Conclusion; Chapter 9: 7 Performance Tips for Jank-free JavaScript Animations; 1. Avoid Animating Expensive CSS Properties; 2. Promote Elements You Want to Animate to Their Own Layer (with Caution).
  • 3. Replace setTimeOut/setInterval with requestAnimationFrame4. Decouple Events from Animations in Your Code; 5. Avoid Long-running JavaScript Code; 6. Leverage the Browser's DevTools to Keep Performance Issues in Check; 7. Use an Off-screen Canvas for Complex Drawing Operations; Conclusion; Chapter 10: What Is a CDN and How Does It Work?; CDN Basics; Types of CDNs; Biggest Players; Implementation Process; Conclusion; Book 2: Back-end Performance; Chapter 1: How to Optimize MySQL: Indexes, Slow Queries, Configuration; Configuration Optimization; Indexes; Bottlenecks; Conclusion.