Working girl

A young secretary in New York named Tess McGill has the brains, looks and charm to make it big. All she needs is the right haircut, clothes and job. The opportunity arises when her classy, seductive and treacherous boss breaks a leg skiing. Tess steps into her job, her apartment and her clothes, and...

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc
Other Authors: Wade, Kevin, Wick, Douglas, Nichols, Mike, Ford, Harrison, 1942-, Weaver, Sigourney, 1949-, Griffith, Melanie, 1957-, Baldwin, Alec, 1958-, Cusack, Joan, 1962-
Format: Video
Published: Beverly Hills, Calif. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, [2001]